Main Functions

The main BISHAMON functions are as follows.


■BISHAMON Operations

History operations with UndoRedo
Texture UV designated window
Intuitive effect tree editing with Schematic View
Timeline View with curve editor
Multiple effect play and file save
Flexible Docking View
Simultaneous OpenGL and DirectX output
Automatically set multiple node parameters
Access Support site from browser using tool


■Overall Effect Settings

FPS Setting Function (60、59.97、30、29.94)


■Common Settings for All Nodes
 General Functions

Life settings
Life Random Settings
Play at constant intervals
Play delay settings
Play delay random range settings
Play designated key frames
Inherit all or part of parent node information



Initial location settings
Initial location random range settings
Velocity settings
Velocity random range settings
Acceleration settings
Acceleration random range settings
Location for key frame animation
Speed for key frame animation



Initial angle settings
Initial angle random range settings
Angular velocity settings
Angular velocity random range settings
Angular acceleration random range settings
Angle for key frame animation
Angular velocity for key frame animation



Initial Scale settings
Initial Scale random range settings
Extension speed settings
Extension speed random range settings
Extension acceleration settings
Extension acceleration random range settings
Scale for key frame animation
Extension speed for key frame animations



RGBA value settings by vertex
Smooth shading
Key frame animations


 Alpha Blending

Transmit, Trans Add, Trans Subtract, Add, Subtract, Invert



Depth write ON/OFF settings
Depth write test calculation settings



UV animations(excluding model emitters)
UV scroll(excluding model emitters)


 Null Emitter
General Functions

Child node inherits location/characteristics
Play/expunge child nodes


 Quad Emitter
General Functions

Billboard settings
Polygon(axis billboard)settings


Range/height settings
Key frame animations
Vertex coordinates settings


General Functions

Not applying rotation lightens processing load


General Functions

Display rigid body model data


General Functions

Play and control continuous band polygons


Range settings


 Mass Particle
General Functions

Display GPU processing


 Simple Particle
General Functions

High-speed drawing with intrinsic platform processing


Node and Function Compatibility

Play Items

Function/Node Quad Particle Simple Particle Mass Particle Model Stripe
General Settings Active Start
Active Random Range
Life Random Range
Sort Priority
Z-sort × ×
User data
Parent Node Influence: Move △(martix only)
Parent Node Influence: Rotate △(matrix only)
Parent Node Influence: Scale △(matrix only)
Parent Node Influence: Alpha
Parent Node Influence: Color
User data
Play Random Number Type
Random Number Kind
Play(Fixed) Play Number
Play Time
Repeat Number ×
Interval ×
Interval Random Range ×
Play(Timing) Loop ×
Repeat Number ×
Timing ×

Behavior Items

Function/Node Quad Particle Simple Particle Mass Particle Model Stripe
Play Shape Shape Type △(cannot use models)
Move in Normal Direction
Inner Radius Ratio
Outer Radius
Starting Horizontal Angle
Ending Horizontal Angle
Starting Vertical Angle
Ending Vertical Angle
Move Move Type ×
Initial Value
Initial Value Random Range
Velocity Random Range
Acceleration ×
Acceleration Random Range ×
Gravity × × × × ×
Deceleration × × × × ×
Noise Start Rate × × × × ×
Noise Amount × × × × ×
Noise Frequency × × × × ×
Rotate Rotate Type × ×
Initial Value × ×
Initial Value Random Range × ×
Velocity × ×
Velocity Random Range × ×
Acceleration × ×
Acceleration Random Range × ×
Scale Scale Type ×
Initial Value
Initial Value Random Range
Velocity ×
Velocity Range Range ×
Acceleration ×
Acceleration Random Range ×
Distort Distort Type × × × × ×
Amount × × × × ×
Vertex × × × × ×


Color Items

Function/Node Quad Particle Simple Particle Mass Particle Model Stripe
Blend Blend Type
Alpha Type
Alpha Random Range
Alpha Test
Default Value
Color Color Type
Random Sync × × × × ×
Color Value
Color Random Range
Channel Sync
Texture Drawing ype × × ×
Specular Coefficient × ×
Specular Color × ×
Addressing × △(model tab)
Filter △(model tab)
Animation × ×
Animation Speed × ×
Crop × ×
Crop Random × × ×
Horizontal Scroll × × △(model tab)
Vertical Scroll × × △(model tab)
Layer2 × × ×


Other Items

Function/Node Quad Particle Simple Particle Mass Particle Model Stripe
Material Culling ×
Depth Write
Depth Test
Fog Influence × ×
Lighting × × × × ×
Details Billboard
Polygon × × ×
Facing × × ×
Polyline × × × × ×
Directional × × × ×
Directional Polyline × × × ×
Soft ON ×
Threshold Value ×

