Impact of Parent Nodes on Alpha Values
・Impact from Parent on Alpha Values in v1.6
Resultant = Parent Alpha Value X Own Alpha Value
Because of this formula, there was an issue with images becoming rapidly darker when overlapping null emitters were used.
・Impact from Parent on Alpha Values in v1.8
Resultant = Parent Alpha Value + Own Alpha Value -(Parent Alpha Value X Own Alpha Value)
Blends were calculated accordingly.
But because of this formula, images became rapidly darker when overlapping null emitters were used.
Although setting Impact from Parent to 1.0 (100% Impact) in v1.6 does result in an impact on one’s own,
in v1.8 results in overwriting according to the impact from the parent.
(Calculation will result in the correct blend)
・Playing v1.6 Files with v1.8 SDK
v1.8 determines that the data is a v1.6 file and executes an emulation.
There is a checkbox for “v1.6” effect routes. If the box is checked,
the formula above emulates the v1.6 formula and the v1.8 SDK works the same
as with v1.6.