


Emit Type Input the type to be emitted as “Constant” or “Timing”.
Random Number Type Input the type of random number to be generated. “Root Node” and “Assigned Type”.
Random Number Type Input type of random number generated.


Random Number Type

Root Node Generates a random number that is “different each time” for each playback just like when a random number is normally generated.
Assigned Type Generates a random number that is the “same each time” for every playback based on the type of root node specified. Use this when you want an effect with a specific form.




Emit Count Set the number to be generated.
Emit Interval(from Version 1.8) Set emit interval after the decimal point.(i.e. generate for every 0.1 frame)
Emit Time Set the emit time.
Set the Emit Count to 10 and Emit Time to 2 then 5 particles will be emitted in frame 1 and 5 particles will be emitted in frame 2.
Loop Check Loop to repeat infinitely during playback within the Emit Time.
Repeat Number Repeats the number of times for Emit Count and Emit Time.
Interval Set the frames during the repeat interval.
Interval Random Range Set the Interval to have a random range.
Set Inteval to 10 and Interval Random Range to 10 then the interval for frames 0 to 20 are replayed according to the Repeat Number.





■Emit Number 10, Emit Time 3
Frame 1 3 Emitted Number Emitted 3
Frame 2 3 Emitted Number Emitted 6
Frame 3 3 Emitted Number Emitted 9
【1 left over in the above example】
In fact, the one left is accommodated in Frame 3 as follows.
Frame 1 3 Emitted Number Emitted 3
Frame 2 3 Emitted Number Emitted 6
Frame 3 4 Emitted Number Emitted 10



■1.Life 10, Emit Count 1, Emit Time 10, Loop ON, Interval 5
In frame 1 there is a primitive drawn, in frame 11 its Life expires, then there is a 5-frame interval, in frame 16 there is the primitive drawn again, in frame 26 its Life expires again, and another 5-frame interval, and so on.

Life 10           Life 10
0—– 5 —– 10 —– 15 —– 20 —– 25 —–30
        (Interval 5)      (Interval 5)



■2.Active Start 5, Life 10, Emit Count 1, Emit Time 10, Loop ON, Interval 0
In frame 6 there is a primitive drawn, in frame 16 its Life expires and the next primitive is drawn at the same time, and then in frame 26 its Life expires.

   Life 10      Life 10
0—– 5 —– 10 —– 15 —– 20 —– 25 —–30
 (Active Start 5)



■3.Combining 1. and 2. above, Active Start 5, Life 10, Emit Count 1, Emit Time 10, Loop ON, Interval 5
In frame 6 there is a drawing, in frame 16 its Life expires, then there is a 5-frame interval, in frame 21 a primitive is drawn, and then in frame 31 its Life expires.

Life 10           Life 10
0—– 5 —– 10 —– 15 —– 20 —– 25 —– 30 —–35
(Active Start 5)       (Interval 5)      (Interval 5)




Loop Play repeatly.
Loop Count The number of repeat time
Timing Adjust the number of generation on Timeline and timing.
