Emit Type | Input the type to be emitted as “Constant” or “Timing”. |
Random Number Type | Input the type of random number to be generated. “Root Node” and “Assigned Type”. |
Random Number Type | Input type of random number generated. |
Random Number Type
Root Node | Generates a random number that is “different each time” for each playback just like when a random number is normally generated. |
Assigned Type | Generates a random number that is the “same each time” for every playback based on the type of root node specified. Use this when you want an effect with a specific form. |
Emit Count | Set the number to be generated. |
Emit Interval(from Version 1.8) | Set emit interval after the decimal point.(i.e. generate for every 0.1 frame) |
Emit Time | Set the emit time. Set the Emit Count to 10 and Emit Time to 2 then 5 particles will be emitted in frame 1 and 5 particles will be emitted in frame 2. |
Loop | Check Loop to repeat infinitely during playback within the Emit Time. |
Repeat Number | Repeats the number of times for Emit Count and Emit Time. |
Interval | Set the frames during the repeat interval. |
Interval Random Range | Set the Interval to have a random range. Set Inteval to 10 and Interval Random Range to 10 then the interval for frames 0 to 20 are replayed according to the Repeat Number. |
■Emit Number 10, Emit Time 3
Frame 1 3 Emitted Number Emitted 3
Frame 2 3 Emitted Number Emitted 6
Frame 3 3 Emitted Number Emitted 9
【1 left over in the above example】
In fact, the one left is accommodated in Frame 3 as follows.
Frame 1 3 Emitted Number Emitted 3
Frame 2 3 Emitted Number Emitted 6
Frame 3 4 Emitted Number Emitted 10
■1.Life 10, Emit Count 1, Emit Time 10, Loop ON, Interval 5
In frame 1 there is a primitive drawn, in frame 11 its Life expires, then there is a 5-frame interval, in frame 16 there is the primitive drawn again, in frame 26 its Life expires again, and another 5-frame interval, and so on.
Life 10 Life 10 |
0—– 5 —– 10 —– 15 —– 20 —– 25 —–30 |
(Interval 5) (Interval 5) |
■2.Active Start 5, Life 10, Emit Count 1, Emit Time 10, Loop ON, Interval 0
In frame 6 there is a primitive drawn, in frame 16 its Life expires and the next primitive is drawn at the same time, and then in frame 26 its Life expires.
Life 10 Life 10 |
0—– 5 —– 10 —– 15 —– 20 —– 25 —–30 |
(Active Start 5) |
■3.Combining 1. and 2. above, Active Start 5, Life 10, Emit Count 1, Emit Time 10, Loop ON, Interval 5
In frame 6 there is a drawing, in frame 16 its Life expires, then there is a 5-frame interval, in frame 21 a primitive is drawn, and then in frame 31 its Life expires.
Life 10 Life 10 |
0—– 5 —– 10 —– 15 —– 20 —– 25 —– 30 —–35 |
(Active Start 5) (Interval 5) (Interval 5) |
Loop | Play repeatly. |
Loop Count | The number of repeat time |
Timing | Adjust the number of generation on Timeline and timing. |