
From a single point in space make a sphere move with pulling force or pushing force.





Set size of magnitude.
Negative magnitude values mean attraction.
Positive magnitude values mean repulsion.


Constant Set a fixed magnitude.
Curve Set a variable magnitude for keyframes in Timeline.


Decay Rate Set rate at which magnitude of force weakens as it moves further away from its origin.
The higher the values the faster the rate of decay.
A 0 decay rate means no decay.




Set the influence area for forces.

Infinite Always influence forces.
Constant Set a fixed area.
Curve Set a variable influence area for keyframes in Timeline.


Center Location


Set the location from where the force emanates.
The location is the local coordinates in the effect.(From the program make settings for the matrix and its influence for the effect.)

Constant Set a fixed location.
Curve Set a variable location for keyframes in Timeline.





Set type of influence on nodes.

Location Add to node location. The node stops at a place with no influence.
Speed Add to node speed. A node continues to move even when it comes to a place with no cummulative influence.


